Character Modeling

Model characters and creatures for 3D printing or for your next big video game

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Character Modeling FAQs

What can I expect from character modelling designers on Fiverr?

Whether you need a high/low level poly mesh for 3D modelling of characters for games or animations for films or for 3D printing or VR Chat avatars, you can find a freelancer on Fiverr to order from. You can expect to receive detailed 3D models, UV Wrapped Models all with photorealistic advanced PBR textures and color compositions. Ask for the source file if you’ll be making modifications in the future and also about the quality of the final renders.

How do I choose the best designer for my character?

Most freelancers on Fiverr are highly skilled designers, engineers or artists with years of combined experience in creating 3D models, products and images. They’ll be able to sculpt, color and texture your avatars, characters, game-ready assets, busts or 3D print models in the way you want it. Make sure you look through the portfolio and always contact the 3D artist or designer prior to ordering to find out about availability but also to agree on the exact terms of your order.

What will the designer provide if I order sculpting for 3D printing?

Whether you need sculpting for 3D printing or for other purposes such as characters, toys, props, etc, you’ll just need to search in Fiverr to find the right designer for your project. Most will use Maya, Zbrush, Blender or other software and give you 1 or more renders per model as agreed. Gig packages are for general guidelines, however it’s best to discuss your needs so you can get a custom offer that suits you best.

Why are lighting and rigging important in 3D modelling?

When you create a digital 3D environment, lighting is the collection of techniques and tools used to simulate light. Rigging is what you do to create a ‘skeleton’ or ‘strings’ for the 3D model so it can move realistically and do what the animator requires it to do. Rigging and lighting are an important and challenging part of character design. They make the 3D scene more realistic and visible in a specific way that it produces a life-like impression for your audience.

What type of extras can you order for character modelling?

This all depends on the artist you’re working with and on your requirements. Most freelancers will be very specific about what’s included in the gig (e.g. number of concepts, positions, rigging, lighting, animation) and also what can be an extra. Anything from additional concepts, extra positions, custom hair, body accessories, clothing and make-up, to additional revisions, fast delivery or the source file can be charged as extras. Always contact the artist before ordering to agree what’s included.

What can be considered a revision in 3D Character Modelling?

Character modelling is a complex activity requiring very specific skills and focus. The designer will inform you from the start how the work process will go. It’s good to work on milestones so you will have the chance to review the character model at every one and ask for modifications if required. Make sure to agree what’s a revision and what might be considered a complete change of concept.