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I will create a realistic drawing of an athlete in photoshop


About this gig

You will receive a high quality image of a yourself playing a sport with text and a background (And additional text/stats if requested). It will be made in photoshop in one day. (MESSAGE ME AFTER TO PURCHASING TO FIGURE OUT A WAY TO SEND THE FILE/PLEASE PROVIDE A HIGH QUALITY IMAGE FOR ME TO WORK WITH)

Delivery style preference

Please inform the freelancer of any preferences or concerns regarding the use of AI tools in the completion and/or delivery of your order.

Get to know piercelaveran

  • FromUnited States
  • Member sinceApr 2021
  • Languages

Im Pierce, I specialize in things like video editing, graphic design, sports graphics, a much more. I use adobe products to do my work and have over 3 years of experience. Contact me to have top notch work done!