I will do anime background, game, visual novel, environment 2d art


About this gig

I'm a graphic designer and digital background artist.

I can draw Visual novel, Background art, Environment, Landscape, Game background, Cartoon character, Cartoon art, Nature, Concept art, Seascape, Room interior design, Building design, Distant Building, Vtuber, Interiors design, Complex Building, City Street illustrator or digital painting.

If you need my services, I am ready and happy to help you.

Customer satisfaction is my priority!

Delivery style preference

Please inform the freelancer of any preferences or concerns regarding the use of AI tools in the completion and/or delivery of your order.

Get to know Xaarearaffe


I am a freelancer background artist and illustrator

  • FromFrance
  • Member sinceSep 2022
  • Avg. response time1 hour
  • Languages

    French, Spanish, English
I am a freelancer background artist and illustrator. I currently working on Visual novel, Background art, Environment, Landscape, Game background, Cartoon character, Cartoon art, Nature, Concept art, Seascape, Room interior design, Building design, Distant Building, Vtuber, Interiors design, Complex Building, City Street. I particularly enjoy designing and drawing background art. Feel free to contact anytime If you have any question, I am always available for discussion.